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08 octobre, 2021

Having trouble finding time for a home workout?

As anyone trying to get in shape knows, finding the time to workout can be one of the biggest challenges. How do you make time in your busy life of work, friends, family, and maintaining a clean home? Well, we’ve got a fun life-hack you may not have thought of yet… Try buying a robot vacuum.

Roborock S5 is the perfect companion for this fun life-hack

I know, this may seem unrelated but hear me out. The best part of owning a robot vacuum is actually the time it gives you back in your life, and believe it or not, that time is perfectly suited for working out at home. Depending on the size of your home, you could have a free 10, 20, or 30 minutes each day to do a home workout. Now all you have to do is set this goal for yourself “every time my Roborock vacuum is cleaning my floors, I’m going to squeeze in a quick HIT workout.

An introduction to HIT workouts

What is a HIT workout? HIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. The basic idea is that the best way to burn calories is short bursts of cardio to get your heart rate up, followed by brief rest periods. This pattern can be repeated until you reach your desired calorie goal (or your vacuum finishes it cycle 😊).

If you’re living in a small apartment, you may only want to do a 10 minute HIT workout. However, when if you’re in a bigger place, or you just want to go a little harder, you can just repeat this 10-minute routine to make a 20 or 30-minute workout. Here’s a great 10-minute one we found online for you to try.

The idea here is to do each of the exercises listed below for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. Doing all of these on that timeline will take exactly 10 min and will help you get in shape. Remember, consistency is the key to successful workouts if you’re doing something that hurts, always stop. It’s more important to be able to work out every day in a week than push yourself to the point of injury on a single day.

Also, if you don’t know what some of these exercises are don’t worry about it, we had so look some of them up too. Here’s a handy guide we found online with some videos of each exercise you can check out. Try it out the next time your vacuum starts its cleaning cycle.

10 min HIT workout

Mountain climbers | 45 seconds

Pushups| 45 seconds

Squats | 45 seconds

Crunches | 45 seconds

Burpees| 45 seconds

Plank | 45 seconds

Jump squats| 45 seconds

Triceps dip| 45 seconds

High knees | 45 seconds

Lunges | 45 seconds

You’re DONE! 

What kind of robot vacuum works out with you?

Roborock S5 is the perfect companion for this fun life-hack. It cleans at a rate of 700 square feet an hour, so you can do a full 30 minute HIT workout and still have time to cool down and have a protein smoothie before your floors are clean.

Roborock S5 is the perfect companion for this fun life-hack

The Roborock S5 also has something called Detour Areas. This cool feature in the Mi Home app lets you block off a certain area of your home during cleaning, so your vacuum won’t come and get in your way as you work out. You can even schedule your Roborock vacuum to clean at a certain time during the day, making it into your reminder for your daily fitness regime.